
2023–2024 ASU Global Education Planning Scholarship

The ASU Global Education Planning Scholarship for international students is administered by Arizona State University [ASU]. This is the ideal time to fulfil your academic desire of attending a university on a scholarship.

The scholarship for undergraduates is intended for artists. That student has a stellar academic record. Follow the application instructions and submit your application and necessary documentation by the deadline to be considered for the scholarship grants.


The number of applicants who will receive a scholarship this year has been estimated at 20 by ASU. ASU will choose applicants based on their academic credentials as well. The maximum scholarship amount is $4,000.

Arizona State University will turn 139 in 2024. Many students from the United States and other countries are succeeding in their studies at the public research university [ASU]. The setting at ASU is conducive to learning.

 ASU Global Education Planning Scholarship Summary

United States of America [USA] is the host nation.

undergrad level of education

Slot for the Scholarship Programme: 20


Value of the Scholarship Programme: $4,000

Arizona State University [ASU] is the host institution.

The deadline for scholarship applications is September 1, 2023.

Perks of ASU Global Education Planning Scholarship

Candidates that are chosen will get $4,000 for schooling costs.

Scholarship Qualification Requirements

Candidates must provide documentation of their proficiency in English.

The candidate’s financial necessity must be demonstrated.

The only eligible candidates are first-generation college students.

Candidates must have a clean record with OSRR.

Documents required for scholarships

“Cost and Financial Planning”

official transcript of the candidate

Identification page from the candidate’s passport

Statement of Understanding International Exchange Programme Application [IEPA] Proof of English Language Proficiency

Proof of Financial Assistance

Scholarship Application Guidelines

The above documents should be uploaded in the below application link. Before uploading the documents—applicants should ensure they have met all the eligibility requirements.

Application Link: 


You must follow the application instructions and submit your application by the deadline if you want to be one of the students Arizona State University chooses to get the scholarship award.


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